We represent wronged employees who need representation in pursuing the compensation they deserve.
California has strong employment and labor laws that are designed to protect employees from being exploited or wronged by their employers. These laws are no good unless victims use them to pursue the remedies they deserve.
At Rostomyan Law, we will stand by your side to pursue your case related to:
- Wrongful Termination
- Disability Discrimination
- Pregnancy Discrimination
- Sexual Harassment
- Protected Leaves
- Retaliation
- Compensation issues, including commission, bonus, wages and wage and hour disputes
- Defamation, Libel, and Slander
Why Choose Rostomyan Law For Your Employment Case?
Employment cases require the attorney to have a firm understanding of all relevant local, state and federal laws. In addition to having the firm understanding required, Mr. Rostomyan researches each and every relevant statute and case-law to ensure that you receive the utmost protection as afforded by most current laws and regulations.
Extensive and thorough factual investigations are crucial in proving your employment case, including taking of depositions, issuing of subpoenas, questioning of witnesses, and uncovering documents and communications between management ranks.
Mr. Rostomyan will leave no stone unturned to uncover the truth and to even the score between powerful employers and victimized employees.